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Raising Democracy in Augmented Reality

During the Student Learning Activity

1. How did you like working on the play on democracy in international teams? 2. What did you learn about democracy during mobility?


  1. Working on the play about democracy in international teams really affected the idea of democracy that I had in mind. It was very joyful and educating to get to participate and give opinions about certain topics as the responsible citizens that we are becoming each and every day!

    What I learned about democracy during the mobility was that each and every single person in a society has the right to have a voice and express his/her opinion, keeping in mind that no other individual is insulted or underrated. Also, I learned that democracy has fundamental values that should be respected and equally thought of. Moreover when it comes to democracy one should not always listen to one’s side of the story... collecting information and doing research can improve democracy and society in general!!
    - Greta Kapaj, Greece

    1. I agree, we should all share our opinion. And democracy is really important
      Oliwia. PL

    2. Exactly. We must remember that each of us can have our own opinion that we must respect.
      - Wiktor Gumkowski, Poland

  2. Working on democracy in international teams allowed me to discover how democracy works in other countries and also to share how it works in mine.

    During this project I realized that democracy is build on good citizenship. In order to be a good citizen we need to be participative. Our opinions matter and we have the right to express them, we have a saying in who represents us as individuals in the government and in society. This also means that, when voting we have to do it with responsibility and knowledge in order to make the right decision. - Diana Alvito, Portugal

    1. It's true. We should be involvedand we should consciously makeimportant decisions for all of us.
      - Wiktor Gumkowski, Poland


  3. By working in international groups, I had the opportunity to talk about democracy in other countries and see how it is perceived by others. For all, it is an important part of life.

    I have learned about democracy and how important it is in our lives. It consists of many fundamental parts - freedom, respect, equality before the law, equal rights to free and fair elections, minority rights, the right to privacy, free media, the power of the people who give the authorities the power to represent them, tolerance, anti-discrimination, the right to knowledge, science and public information and the right to demand their rights. If democracy is deprived of any of these values, it becomes weaker and, if more is subtracted, it no longer resembles democracy. Thanks to it, we have freedom of speech, no one is favoured by the law, others respect our opinion, but we too must respect the opinion of others. Despite different cultures, we all had a similar approach to democracy - we need it.
    - Wiktor Gumkowski, Poland

  4. Democracy is the best form of government. It is not only a form of management, but also a need. Even if it is impossible to achieve 100% satisfaction, democracy ensures the satisfaction of the majority. I think democracy should be at every moment of life. At the same time democracy is the foundation of respect for and love for people. I think democracy is something that all human beings can share their common thoughts and it has to be. We also make democratic choices in our school when choosing “class president” or “school president”. Democracy starts in the family, goes on in school, and it's with us all the time.

    İrem Ordu/Turkey

    1. Exactly, democracy is the best form of government, and is with us everywhere and all the time. It gives you a sense, that everyone is just as important.

      Lukasz Krawczyk Poland

  5. We learnt a lot things about democracy. First i learnt how democracy works. Democracy is important thing in our life. This system gives good things. This system must be at every moment of life. Because this system gives justice and peace,love, all good things. Everyone have got different stories, different hobies but everyone wants justice. Democracy is good thing in my life.

    Bedirhan Şahin/ Turkey

  6. I think democracy is the most important point to have a good life. Because we’re not living alone. We have responsibilities to people, to the world. And we must learn how we can live together. Every human part of this world, and just think about it “Everyone can do what they want” This makes unfair things. And we must do democratic things if we want a good life for all.


    1. True, if everyone would do whatever they want it would be chaos. We should follow the rules of democracy.
      Lukasz Krawczyk Poland

  7. Working on democracy with other countries was very educating experience. I saw how people from other countries perceive democracy.

    On the project I have learned a lot of things about democracy, for example, that every single person have a right to express his opinion, they have right for example to freedom or respect, and also, that democracy consists of couple things, and every one of them is important, because when we will take away few of them for example the right to privacy or right of minority we will see, that this is no longer democracy but the caricature of democracy.

    Lukasz Krawczyk, Poland

  8. Democracy is a important thing for our lifes.We're all,all the humans are one of the 7 billion pieces of a working engine.If we can't live together,then we must get used to it.The chaos.Think this:A part of a working engine don't doing it's work.What happens?Engine stops working of course.Do you want a good life?
    Learn to live with the rules of the democracy,then.
    Serhat Şerbetçi/Turkey

    1. Very wise words. I agree with you and I like your comparison. Democracy is very important.

  9. Working on democracy in international teams allowed me to see how democracy works in other countries. I really enjoyed teamwork.

    I learned a lot about democracy. In particular, it is very important for the good of the state and its inhabitants. Thanks to it, we express our opinion and we can change the world for the better. We can vote in the elections. Show how important our voice is. Democracy also helps other people.


  10. We can express our complaints and say what we think could be better but our thoughts will just be ignored. I learned that i have no word of impact in this school and my complaints won't be listened to.

    Mihael, Croatia.

  11. It was interesting to see how other countries interpreted the importance of democracy. The entire experience made me think about democracy and it's meaning a lot more. After almost every play we were given a choice to vote. It was nice to see other students using their voices responsibly.

    During the mobility I have learned what democracy looks like, not in theory, but in real life. From experience I thought a lot of people would vote for the person they like the most and ignore what is best for the country/class/group as a whole. I was pleasantly surprised that most people made the right choice that benefits everyone.

    Laura Krišković, Croatia

  12. Democracy is very important thing in our lives and lives of future generations. Working in international groups allowed me to learn about democracy in other countries of project. I enjoyed working in those groups.

    During mobility I learned that everybody has the right to express their opinions and that we can't always judge other people's opinions if we don't like them also i learned that if we want to change something in our country we need to express our opinions and solution for that problem instead of waiting for someone else to fix it.



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