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Challenges - EU and the Future of Democracy

Post Student Learning Activity (SLA):

1. What have you learnt that may help you become a more responsible citizen?

2. Bearing in mind our mobility, what are your expectations for Democracy in the 2030s?


  1. 1.My hosts's family doesn't use straws, so I've learned that I don't need to use a straw because it's unnecessary plastic.
    I also learned a lot about democracy, media vs truth, ecology...
    2. I expect that parliament will bring better rules and laws. For example, people in stores will not work on Sundays, majorities will have more rights, people with hard diseases will have more money to spend on their medicines,...

    Matea Pernar

    1. Not using straws is really good for our Earth,so good habit :)
      Zuzia, Poland

  2. 1. I learnt about how the parliament works and I got interested in democracy and politics. I'll be able to vote next year so I made up my mind that I want to get more information and learn more to make a responsible decision.
    2. I think problems will be handled in a more out of the box way because the world will be much different and complex.

    Maria, Portugal.

  3. 1. I learned a lot. For example, I learned how democracy will be in parliament. I also learned about the good and bad sides of the media and how we can protect our world.
    2. I think in 2030, democracy can be moved to a higher level than it is now. The advancement of science increases the level of culture and education. Such factors will lead to the advancement of democracy. The advancement of technology will also make people aware of a lot of information. I think that such reasons will provide us with a favorable environment for us to create democracy.

    Dilara HANGÜN, Turkey

  4. 1.I learned about democracy and about parliament works. I became more responsible and I understood how the media work.
    2. I think in the future all people will be equal before the law and politics schould be free from a lie.

  5. 1. I learnt about how parliament works, the weaknesses of democracy and the truth vs media.
    2. I think that in the future the world will be different and the laws will be better for all of us.
    Maybe we won't vote in some people but in laws or rules.
    Teresa, Portugal

  6. 1. I learned that we should recycle more and that we should "stick" together as nations. We should have more projects as Erasmus and if we start something small it could lead to something big or bigger. Maybe there's a chance to save our planet.
    2. I think that it won't change much because we are modern nations and we don't have a lot of big problems as freedom, choices...
    Tena Šusterić, Croatia

  7. 1.I learned a lot about Europian parlament,different culture,ecology issues and democracy weakness.
    2.I think in 2030 Europian parlament will be more effective and useful then now.

  8. 1)I've learnt about fake news on the internet or in TV (commercials), about media vs truth, democracy in Europe and ecology. I think it makes me a more responsible citizen because I already know when media tells truth and when lies.
    2)I wish in 2030 there would be no corruption and that all judgments or promises would be fair and kept. No lies

    Natalka, POLAND

  9. 1. I don’t like politics, but I must think about my future in my country. During this meeting I learnt a lot of important things. For example how parliament and other government institutions work.
    2. Democracy will give us more safety and mass media will not have such power over elections.
    Ola, Poland


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